The irony of the Public Protection and Affordable Care Act (known today as Obamacare) is that one of its key provisions , the individual insurance mandate , conservative roots. In Congress, the requirement that individuals buy health insurance were the first prominent Republican health care reform bills introduced in
1993 as alternatives to the plan Clinton . The mandate was also a prominent feature of the plan passed under Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in 2006. According to Romney , we get the idea of the individual mandate by [ Newt Gingrich ] , and [ Newt ], from the Heritage Foundation.
That led John Wilkerson of the University of Washington and his colleagues David Smith and Nick Stramp to study the legislative history of the health care reform law using text -analysis system to understand its roots.
Scholars will depend almost entirely on the floor roll call voting patterns to assess partisan cooperation in Congress by the findings in the paper. By that standard, the Affordable Care strongly supports the bill. Yet another story appear when the source policy reform will be analyzed. Authors findings showed ' that the number of GOP policy ideas overlap with the provisions in the Affordable Care Act : From law 906 - page , 3 percent of " policy ideas " used wording similar to bills sponsored by House Republicans and 8 percent used wording similar to bills sponsored by Senate Republicans .
With the exception of " markup " bills , rewritten or legislative amendments, it became 11 per cent and 28 per cent of policy ideas by Congressional and Senate Republicans , in that order. For example, appeared proposal for a nursing home transparency made by Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa in March 2009 in the end is the language of the health care reform law.
Still, the Republican opposition Affordable Care Act has become a standard party position . Some have argued the law Others have said that the Founding Fathers approved " job killer." ; Sen. Orrin Hatch wrote in The Hill is due to " any other conclusion" than that the mandate is unconstitutional "requires treating the Constitution as the servant , not the master, of the Congress. "Still, others - including Mitt Romney, who passed individual insurance mandate as governor of Massachusetts - have insisted that Obamacare is " unconstitutional power grab of the states".
When President Obama signed health care reform into law on March 23, 2010, fourteen state attorneys general filed lawsuits against the requirements of the law in most Americans buy health insurance on the grounds that it is unconstitutional, although the idea has been central to the GOP in health care reform for two decades.
In response to a legal challenge , said Erwin Chemerinsky , the dean of the law school at the University of California at Irvine , The New York Times , " There is no case law , after 1937 , which would support an individual right not to purchase health care if the government wants to mandate it . " and , indeed , in July 2012 , Chief Justice John Roberts sided with Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor , Stephen Breyer, and Elena Kagan in determining the law as an exercise valid power of Congress to tax.
The Republican Party continues to be staunchly opposed the law even though the individual mandate made his first appearance as part of a legislative alternative to the party's health reform bill President Clinton . He was enshrined in the Access Reform Today Act 1993 Health Equity sponsored by John Chafee , of Rhode Island, and co - sponsored by 18 Republicans, including Bob Dole, who was Senate Minority Leader at the time.
Although it can be argued that Obamacare will be the largest piece of legislation crafted , not the concept that all Americans have basic insurance outlandish . "A lot of states now require passengers to wear seat belts in automobiles - for their own safety , " wrote Stuart Butler , a health care specialist for the Heritage Foundation , in brief 1989 titled Securing Affordable Health Care for All Americans . "A lot of other people are asking anyone driving a car to get liability insurance., But not the federal government nor any state requires all households to protect themselves from the potentially catastrophic costs of a serious accident or illness." Just as a legal mandate insurance makes economic sense for automobiles, it makes sense to health care, as well.
But central to debates about the Affordable Care Act and health care are concerned, certain health care and affordable, right or privilege.
After this week's stalemate in Washington over the continuing resolution that would fund the federal government into the next financial year, with Republicans and Democrats clash over funding the Affordable Care Act , it may seem surprising that some members of congress deviate from the party line . Republican Rep. Darrell Issa of California has suggested via Twitter that Americans be offered the same benefits that Congress has.
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